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General Information

At L.V. Stockard Middle School, our mission is to erase the opportunity gap in Oak Cliff. We are working to become the premier choice middle school, making transformational changes south of Trinity. 

Over the past four years, L.V. Stockard has implemented many innovative programs and research-based instructional practices, placing student academic performance on an upward trend. We have incorporated an alternate block schedule allowing for more instructional and planning time. In line with Dallas Achieves!, we have implemented Principles of Learning, Learning Walks, and Professional Learning Communities, resulting in double-digit gains in all subject areas.
We have established partnerships with local businesses in the community to promote student success. Parents are valued partners and are encouraged to participate in school activities. Our staff hosts monthly support workshops for parents on subjects from health to homework. Other parent involvement opportunities include assisting in classrooms, participating in PTA, and serving on the Campus Improvement Planning committee.